
Frequently Asked Questions

  • What forms of payment do you accept?
    Cash, Check, Paypal, and Venmo
  • How often does training take place?
    Typically most clients start with weekly or bi-weekly depending on their dogs needs and their schedule.
  • Do you allow questions/support between lessons by email?
  • Where is training held?
    The majority of the lessons are held at your home.
  • Can we practice at the store or somewhere in public?
    Yes! Anytime you want to implement training outside of your home we can always meet near your home at a local pet
    friendly establishment! Home Depot, Lowes, Tractor Supply, any pet store, public parks, etc. are all places appropriate for
    training practice! This is like a regular lesson, but in a different setting.
  • How long does it take to achieve results?
    This completely depends on the dog, and the owner. The training involves teaching you to teach your dog, so the
    practice/work is up to you! It also depends on the severity of the behavior needs of the dog. Dogs that struggle with
    fear/reactivity can take months, whereas a dog that needs to learn basics (sit, stay, etc) can take a couple weeks. There is
    no definitive answer to this as there are many variables that influence the training process.
  • What type of training do you offer?
    All training is science–based & a positive reinforcement method. Use of shock collars, prong collars, e-collars, choke chains, force or
    intimidation is prohibited. Use of treats, toys, praise, and positive physical touch is utilized during the training process.
  • What kind of dogs do you work with?
    All dogs. Any breed, age, size is welcome.
  • Do you offer Board & Train, or Day Training?
    I offer a 2 hour Train & Play, this is a drop off & pick up lesson, Train & Play is a combination of me working with your dog
    at my house, outside in new environments and field trips to park or stores for real world training sessions and mixing it
    up with some play/free time.
  • Do you offer Service/therapy training?
    Not at this time.
  • Do you offer group classes?
    Not at this time.